Since joining SATHGURU in 1991 my journey has been of endless growth. The pathway was filled with opportunities of career and self development.
Sathguru presented to me a diverse range of exciting and challenging projects. I had always been encouraged to stretch myself, improve my knowledge and acquire new skills. I look forward to my future at the company and I believe SATHGURU is an excellent organization to build an exciting career.
My journey so far:
My career started as an Accountant in SATHGURU. During my tenure as an accountant I have shown inclination towards software development and the management had encouraged me to purse my PGDCA . After my diploma I was tasked to develop my first module (payroll) and since then I have been part of many other modules and vertical solution development. I have served as a software developer for 5 years and in this time period I had learnt the best practices of software coding, design and project study. Constant evolution was the mantra. I initially developed applications in clipper and Foxpro and I moved ahead in my career. I oriented myself with the trainings provided by the organization and picked up oracle and d2k forms & went on to support my team in their own learning.
In the year 2006, I was promoted as a Project Leader to manage Delphix application and enterprise solution for the micro finance sector. As a Project Leader I was responsible for converting an existing application from older version to newer version on oracle platform. In addition to conversion I was also responsible for enhancing the application based on clients requirements. I am extremely proud to say that this application was rolled out in more than 250 branches across India.
Cross vertical work was encouraged. I worked across the sectors of Textiles, Health and Sugar. Not many firms can provide someone with an exposure which helps them understand multiple sectors and also trains them to create customized applications for each sector.
The key source of my success here has been the continuous training support provided to me and the opportunity to learn every day. This learning culture can only be attributed to the vision of the management. They ensured that we were constantly motivated by awarding & recognising our success.
While my professional life was filled with challenges, my personal life did not suffer, right through my career my family life had its priority. The management at Sathguru supported me though the most important events of my life. Let it be my marriage or a child’s sickness, my family was given as much of a priority as my work. I have attended numerous annual days and each one was special as it brought my family much more closer to my workplace. In a way Sathguru became a second family for me.
So my journey in Sathguru was from an accountant all the way to becoming a software leader whose work has been recognized and awarded even by our clients.